June 4, 2018
The National Surface Transportation Safety Center for Excellence at the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI) will host the Seventh International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research (NDRS 2018) at The Inn at Virginia Tech and Skelton Conference Center in Blacksburg, Virginia on August 28-30, 2018. Naturalistic driving experts, faculty, students, and the public are invited to register for the event.
The two-day international symposium, preceded by a free evening tour of the Virginia Smart Roads on Monday, August 27, will gather international experts in the field of naturalistic driving research to discuss a wide range of topics. The symposium will provide researchers and practitioners with an overview of international naturalistic driving studies, current research and “hot topics”, as well as insight into the next generation of studies and future applications of naturalistic driving research. Attendees will have opportunities to network with subject matter experts to discuss naturalistic driving in their respective countries.
The keynote speakers will be Russell Neudorf, Deputy Minister of Transportation for the Government of the Northwest Territories, Canada, and Dr. Thomas Dingus, director of VTTI.
On Thursday, August 30, VTTI will host a driver marijuana-impairment workshop following the symposium. During the workshop, attendees will learn about marijuana-impaired driving and its effects on driving performance and safety. Ryan Smith, leader of VTTI’s Impaired Driving Research, Evaluation, and Analysis group, will lead the session. The workshop fee is not included with NDRS registration; however, registration for the symposium is a prerequisite for attending the workshop.
Register by June 30 to receive the early bird rate. Visit the NDRS website to RSVP and to learn more about student, early bird, regular, and late registration fees and deadlines: https://www.ndr-symposium.com/registration.html