October 27, 2014
NSTSCE’s fourth quarterly newsletter puts the spotlight on medication use in commercial vehicle drivers.
A priority for NSTSCE is to lead research to improve the health, wellness, and safety of commercial vehicle drivers. In this issue of Transportation Research Today we discuss the impact of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in commercial motor vehicle (CMV) safety. If you have not looked at our CMV Driving Safety and Driving Healthy websites, please take a look at: http://cmvdrivingsafety.org and http://www.drivinghealthy.org. They are both very informative, even for those of us that only drive two- or four-wheelers!
In August, researchers from around the world gathered during the Fourth International Symposium on Naturalistic Driving Research. It was a great event where top researchers in the field of naturalistic driving shared their findings and analysis techniques. The event included two remarkable keynotes: from Kenneth Leonard, ITS JPO Director, and Ann Brach, SHRP 2 Director. If you would like to take a look at the presentations from that event, please visit our event archive here. Dr. Jon Antin, the featured researcher in this issue, received the Best Poster Award for the event. We are also featuring an article related to this poster. Assessing an older driver’s ability to safely drive is very important, and research performed by NSTSCE is informing researchers and practitioners how to make this possible.
Myra Blanco
Outreach Coordinator, NSTSCE